About me
Hello: I have been supporting people my whole life. I am a nurturer, a friend, someone you can confide in. My goal in this work is to help people achieve their ultimate self by being in openness and allowing of what is in this moment right now. Many people have fetish's those often come from ways we soothed ourselves in childhood. These things we bring into adulthood, don't necessarily serve us! I am here to create a safe place for you to explore and challenge those desires and figure out if these are things you actually enjoy.
I am also here to help you explore and act out things that could do harm or damage to another person. Just because we were abused or neglected does not mean we have to do that to another. Coming to a place where adults are equipped with the tools to handle such things is a perfect place to play!

I bring extensive experience in physical wellness and overall health to our relationship. I have helped many people overcome battles and fight demons they thought would own them forever. Over the years I’ve learned that every single client is unique, and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to wellness. That’s why, if we work together, I will create a customized plan tailored specifically to your needs. This may include walking, working out, trying things with your partner, self-care, mental exercises and techniques-overall health tools to have in your toolbelt of life to aid you now and in the future to handle the parts of life we are never expecting. We all see things completely different. Dont let anyone tell you how to feel or how to react when something tragic happens in your life, your tragic may be another person's funride, but you may have been raised in an neglectful family or abused in other way, not one person has the same story or sees things the same way. I am here to allow you to be whoever you need to be to heal, I am here to listen and tell you everything is going to be fine. And it will, even the worst situation will have a light, there will be some peace you can find and I will help you find it and harness it when needed in the future.
Trainer at Metro State University: Training people with disabilities
2000– 2004
Studied under Rosa Mazone Spiritual Healer
Russell Means (AIM Leader , Actor and Resident of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation)
Bachelors Degree in Social And Environmental Science at Metro State University
Masters Degree in Computer Science and Indigenous Peoples at University of Colorado Denver Campus
“She changed my relationship with my girlfriend and I forever. We had no idea we were so open about various things, it's really made a huge impact”
— Jermain Brown